Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Shift & Spin

Shift & spin, Wrap & Twine,
Makin` thread course & fine,
Dreamin` 'o' ma little princess,
Workin` in the mill.

keep yer bobbins runnin' easy,
Show yer gallus bright & breezy,
Waitin` till Prince Charmin` sees ye,
Workin` in the mill.

Oil yer runners, mend yer thread,
Do yer best until yer dead,
Wish ye were a wife instead o`
Workin` in the mill.

Used to dream you`d be the rage,
Smilin on the fashion page,
Never dreamt you`d be a wage slave,
Workin` in the mill.

Used to think that life was kind,
No it isn`t- never mind-
Maybe someday you will be happy,
Workin` in the mill.

He knows you not? So What?
Do the best with what you`ve got,
Win your pay spin yer cotton,
Workin` in the mill.

When you choose the thread you need,
For crochet or embroidery,
Do you ever think of me,
Workin` in the mill.

On a fatefull night,
Not too far away from yer sight,
Oh ma princess, ye will be won,
Workin` in the mill.


-Found these lines while travelling along the beautifull Lochs of Calidonia. The original author being Evan MacVicar. A few modifications have been made.

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